One of my guy friends wrote this about an age old question: "What do women really want?". Now mind you I think he makes a good point but I don't think he got the right answer. He categorized it and put it in a box, but it was intresting reading none-the-less...and yes he is a "metro-sexual". So tell me did he get it right?
What women REALLY want
"The answer to this question is sought after by many. I have in fact put alot of thought into my answer to this question and have decided to share it with you all (since most of my friends are indeed SINGLE). Men are generally confused when it comes to women and what they want. They go out of their way to impress women with what they can do or how they look or this or that. The thing that most dont understand is that women dont necessarily care about all of the big things, its the little things that they notice and desire. To sum it up in one word, I will use the word passion. Women can tell when you are passionate about something, whether its the hockey game or music, or them. The key to channeling your passion in this arena is to understand the 2nd great facet of women, and that is sensuality. By sensuality I merely mean the complete immersion of the senses. by the surroundings. Everyone, not just women, are emotional beings. The guy who gets the girl is the one who learns to channel emotion through everything he does. Noticing the potential emotion and passion in everyday simple things will cause most women to melt. Take food for instance. No I am not crazy, I said food. Food can convey emotion, passion, even sensuality. If you are a single guy the first thing on your list is to learn how to cook. Learn to cook well, and then learn about the food and then the other foods and wines that can compliment the food you serve. Every tool out there can invite a hot chick to dinner at a $100 restaurant. What can set you apart is if you invite said hot chick over to your place for dinner. Not only can you prepare an excellent meal, you can match the music, the drinks, everything to match the food. This entire package of scent, sound, taste, sight will create an entire environment appealing to the senses. Another thing to learn is the way that you present yourself, keeping in mind your key is to envelope all of the senses. Dont just look good, smell good and sound good too. If you dont know how to dress, learn. Learn things like how to wear a suit and tie, and the difference between Burberry, Polo, and Hermes. Learn your scents too. Smell is vital in the fight. Dont be a guy who just wears ONE type of cologne, it gets boring. Have about 3 or 4 in your arsenal, and make them good. Smell will strike the woman early on, and will linger in her brain long after you leave. May I suggest Ralph Lauren Purple Label, Polo Blue, Armani's Aqua di Gio, and Vera Wang. Learn to speak; become educated. Being able to carry a conversation about more than basketball, boobs, or chicken wings will score you points. Now, lets talk about touch. Women dont necessarily want you hanging and kissing all over them. Remember, the key is to create an entire bath for ALL of the senses, not just one. Dont overdo it, its tacky, usually uninvited, and not hot. Think about how to appeal to all senses. Soft touch, spaced out through your time together, thats a winner. Just the soft touch of playing with her hair or an occasional tap combined with what youre already providing for the other senses can be a lethal combination.
Finally, learn to refuse. Women are so trained by society to believe that men will automatically accept what they give. Once you can captivate a woman to the point of interest, dont just cave in once she wants you. That just tells her you are putting on a show. Rather, continue to carry yourself with confidence. She will pick up on that confidence, and it will captivate her even more. (She knows that you know that she Nothing is quite as fun or enjoyable than knowing that youre getting a woman's attention but not acknowledging it. Take these truths my dear friends, and remember, once a woman lets you into her mind, only you or your stupid actions can remove that.
** the statment above is not the opinon of this blogger therefore it may not be a full indication of my ideas and beliefs. I just found it intresting =)***