Monday, March 30, 2009

Weekend in VA

This weekend I drove 7 hours to VA so I can visit my old roommate and friend KB. I haven't seen KB since she was a newlywed and kids free. These days she has two adorable kids and I'm so thankful she blogs so I can keep up with her. The drive was long and Friday it was raining from Greenville, SC to VA. All through North Carolina I didn't see much since it was such a torrential down pour that I can barely see the cars ahead of me. Then just as I crossed over the VA state line there was a "traffic jam" which made me laugh because it was a two lane highway and all traffic was at a standstill. A trip that mapquest said would take me 7hours 21 minutes ended up being about 8 hours. But it was lovely seeing KB and her family, the kids were still up when I pulled in and I got attend their bedtime routine which included prayer and a Bible story. It was so refreshing to see godly parenting!

Saturday Laura came up and we all (with the exception of Jon, KB's hubby who had to work) went to the Marine Corp musuem. Michael was fascinated with what he saw and I must say I was very inspired. It made me want a Marine! LOL But seriously the museum is worth visiting if you're near Quantico. First off it is FREE admission and then you learn about the history of the Marine Corps. They had lectures too, which was interesting but you needed more time to sit in and actually listening. I thought it was rather concidential that the lecture of the afternoon was the Irish in the Marine! But I didn't last long since there was more to see and of course a gift shopt to visit! =)

Life size images of Marines getting out of a helicopter.

This man is a statue!

After the museum we went to the mall where Michael got his own Build-A-Bear. He chose a stuffed doggy with a police uniform. The naming part was a bit tough since Michael had all sorts of ideas on what to call his new toy from Boney to Bob Jones, KB finally settled for Sebastian. =)

We stopped off at the Home show where Jon was working and walked around for a bit. It was cool how some of the booths were elaborately set up with a full fountain or patio sets. Michael was fascinated by the fake fireplaces. Then it was back home for dinner, put the kids to bed and a few hours of Dutch Blitz. I must say I got caught up with my lack of Dutch Blitz in years just this weekend! Boy did that bring back some memories of mid-terms and finals at college. =)

Jon and his business

Michael copying the frog pose

Sunday was church then lunch at Olive Garden. Laura had to go home so we took afternoon naps, myself included =) which was nice in KB's couch in the great room. Got an evening service in and then I was taken to a Fredricksberg landmark, Carl's Ice Cream. That was some delicious ice cream and the place has been there since the 1950's apparently. They were still using the same ice cream maker so it definitely had the old fashion feel, too bad I left my camera in the car. But it was so quaint and very All-American to go get ice cream after church =) gave me that warm fuzzy feeling I thought I'd lost due to the harshness of my job. It's nice knowing you can still feel that way around good wholesome people!

Needless to say I had a great weekend! It was fun seeing KB again and getting to know her adorable kids. They were such a joy to be around. KB and Jon are doing some wonderful parenting where they're not afraid to discipline and correct their children. I've never known someone so young who could just start to talk say the "magic word" of please and thank you at that age. That is such a rare thing to find in this day and age.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A challenge

Last night's speaker at BC was Pastor Ollila and he covered Nehemiah 8. He had three points:
1.The Preacher
2. The Preaching
3. The People

I'm not going to go over every note I took just because I took some really lousy notes =) But what I got out of the night was this challenge during the second point. A subpoint under the Preaching was that the Preaching of Nehemiah brought Conviction to the people. It was actually an illustration that he used. Bet I got you curious now right? =) Well the challenge was list 50 "I am" about yourself. Can you do that? I'm still working on my list!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Back at the bubble

Yes I have returned back to my Alma matter, Bob Jones University aka "the bubble". The flight back east was uneventful it was what happened once I got into town that stressed me out. Let's just say that there are times when I wished I wasn't so impulsive to take up a challenge without really thinking it through!

The campus has changed a lot since I graduated and even though I was here a little over a year ago to drop of my brother for his Freshman year; change has occurred since then. The Rodeheaver Auditorium got a much needed face lift and it looks very sleek and modern now to really complete the front entry look of the campus. Lots of new modern looking buildings, lighting around the campus and the general landscaping has changed since my freshman year 10 years ago. Yeah I felt old when I realized that too! =)

One of the first things that made me sigh in contentment and gave that coming home feel was entering the FMA. The ushers were still there handsome, standing tall and directing traffic, the fact that from almost anywhere you sit you get a good view of the whole place and can spot familar faces of teachers in the crowd. Then the singing began and oh my that is when I finally calmed down from the earlier drama at the airport. I missed the beautiful sound of people singing in perfect harmony, at times I used to think this is what being in heaven and singing with the angels must sound like. The music and just the general aura of people glad to be there, smiling wholesome faces of law abiding citizens. It was so refreshing! Of course I had to peek at the first page of the University Hymnal and there it was...the University Creed. For those reading this and who have gone to BJU, can you still remember the creed? =) I only got as far as the first statment! LOL

The speaker of the evening was Dr. Hartog III and he covered Numbers 14 with Murmurring as the topic. It was such a good sermon and reminder of how you miss blessings because of griping. His three points that I got were:
1-Murmurring shows lack of gratitude to God
2-Murmurring shows lack of submission to the Devine leadership
3-Murmurring gives evidence in the lack of fatih.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the week and my visit!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Okay so one of my closest friend and I have been talking about getting Lasik done these past few months. She did the research, being a nurse and all, while I just followed. A nice change of pace since on the trips we take, I do the research and she just follows along. But she found this doctor who's had a great reputation for successful surgeries and he's done a few people in the Department. So three weeks ago we both went in together to get our eyes evaluated and see if we are a candidate for surgery. The process wasn't too bad, it was just like going to vist your optometrist.

My friend did her surgery last week and I met up with her on Monday. She could see clearly and was able to drive herself to the post-op visit the day after surger. It was amazing and she loved it! So today it was my turn to go. Let me just say that reading the consent form will scare you a lot and then your imagination starts goin off in that "worst case scenario" way. Not a good thing! They offer you some Valium before surgery, which I was told I should take. That totally helped mellow me out and by the time I was going in the surgery room I was really feeling relaxed. The nurse kinda smiled as she said "so you took the Valium? your eyes are glazed over". But hey that made the post op nap really nice and long. The actual surgery was really quick about two minutes long!

When I woke up I could see the TV from where I was sleeping on the couch, the clock on the wall and then looking out the window I can see the trees clearly. It was such an odd feeling to see things without glasses. But I must say the dryness is starting to bother me and I've been using the artificial tears like crazy to sooth my eyes.

Was it worth it? YES! Absolutley! The amout of money you save through the year from not buying contacts, solutions, new glasses and increase in eye prescripting is a big plus.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Slow Dance


Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain slapping on the ground?

Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?

You better slow down, don't dance so fast.
Time is short, the music won't last.

Do you run through each day on the fly?
When you ask "How are you?" do you hear the reply?

When the day is done, do you lie in your bed,
With the next hundred chores running through your head?

You'd better slow down, don't dance so fast.
Time is short, the music won't last.

Ever told your child, we'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste, not see his sorrow?

Ever lost touch, let a good friendship die?
Cause you never had time to call and say "Hi!"?

You'd better slow down, don't dance so fast.
Time is short, the music won't last.

When you run so fast to get somewhere,
You miss half the fun of getting there.

When you worry and hurry through your day,
It's like an unopened gift thrown away.

Life is not a race, do take it slower.
Hear the music, before the song is over.