Thursday, December 20, 2007
Tears For A Cop - God's Version
(Featured in the Bridge Newsletter -- National Police Suicide Foundation.)
When God Made Peace Officers
When the Lord was creating peace officers, he was into His sixth day of overtime. An angel appeared and said, "You're doing a lot of idling around on this one."
And the Lord said, "Have you read the specs on this order? A peace officer has to be able to run five miles through alleys in the dark, scale walls, enter homes the health inspector wouldn't touch, and not wrinkle his uniform. He has to be able to sit in an undercover car all day at a stakeout, cover a homicide scene that night, canvas the neighborhood for witnesses and testify in court the next day. He has to be in top physical condition at all times, running on black coffee and half-eaten meals. And he has to have six pairs of hands."
The angel shook her head slowly and said, "Six pairs of way!"
"It's not the hands that are causing me problems," said the Lord. "It's the three pairs of eyes the officer has to have."
"That's on the standard model?" asked the angel.
The Lord nodded. "One pair that sees through a bulge in a pocket before he asks, "May I see what's in there, Sir?" (When he already knows and wishes he'd taken that accounting job) Another pair here in the side of his head for his partner's safety. And another pair of eyes here in front that can look reassuringly at a bleeding victim and say, "You'll be alright, Ma'am....when he knows it isn't so."
"Lord, " said the angel, touching his sleeve. Rest and work on this tomorrow."
"I can't", said the Lord, "I already have a model that can talk a 250 pound drunk into a patrol car without incident and feed a family of five on a civil service paycheck."
The angel circled the model of the peace officer very slowly. "Can it think?" she asked.
"You bet", said the Lord. "It can tell you the elements of a hundred crimes, recite Miranda warnings in its sleep, detain, investigate, search, and arrest a gang member on the street in less time than it takes five learned judges to debate the legality of the stop...and it still keeps its sense of humor. This officer also has phenomenal personal control. He can deal with crime scenes painted in hell, coax a confession from a child abuser, comfort a murder victim's family, and then read in the daily newspaper how law enforcement isn't sensitive to the rights of criminal suspects."
Finally, the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek of the peace officer. "There's a leak," she pronounced. "I told you that you were trying to put too much into this model."
"That's not a leak," said the Lord. "It's a tear."
"What's a tear for?" asked the angel.
"It's for bottled up emotions, for fallen comrades, for commitment to that funny piece of cloth called the American flag for justice."
"You're a genius," said the angel.
The Lord looked somber, "I didn't put it there," He said, "It comes with the job."
Sad day
Tears of a Cop - Under Pressure
I have seen what you fear to see...
I have done what you fear to do...
All these things I've done for you.
I am the one you lean upon...
The one you cast your scorn upon...
The one you bring your troubles to...
All these people I've been for you.
The one you ask to stand apart...
The one you feel should have no heart...
The one you call the man in blue...
But I am human just like you.
And through the years I've come to see...
That I'm not what you ask of me...
So take this badge and take this gun...
Will you take it? Will anyone?
And when you watch a person die...
And hear a battered baby cry...
Then so you think that you can be
All those things you ask of me...?
"Tears Of A Cop" - author unknown
Monday, December 10, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Going back to the grind
And speaking of getting back into the grind at work. I get back and they toss me right into the hurricane again. They give me a trainee and committee meetings begin again for our big banquet in April. Also to top it off, I applied for being a radio dispatcher so I can go in the radio room and just deal with the units directly. I get the test date in the mail and it just happens to fall on the busiest day of the week for me...Monday. So come December 17th, I will only have about 4 hours of sleep that day what with taking the dispatcher test, working out with my trainer and still doing a full shift that night at work. But I hope you will pray for me, I really need to pass the test and be in the top three. This new position will be a new challenge and help out in the finances department too. Also if I know how to use the radio then I can go to any law enforcement and ambulance department and work for them. What I do isn't "just a job" it is a profession. Not many people can be a 911 Dispatcher and handle the job with all its stresses, so if you have the skill you are marketable. But I digress =)
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Hockey Tradition
Yesterday Anne and I went to a hockey game. San Jose Sharks versus the LA Kings. It was a good game but the Sharks lost in overtime during the shoot-out. They don't have the best record of winning during a shoot-out but that is okay because the Sharks still got one point out of the game. Going to a hockey game after Thanksgiving is becoming a tradition with us.
We had to leave Modesto early so that we could take our time on the road. First we stopped at the Barnes & Noble in Livermoore and peruse the shelves. Then we ate an early dinner at Boda (this great Chinese food place that my family used to eat all the time when we lived in San Jose). Dinner was deep fried oysters, salt and pepper squid, house special fried rice and prawns with snow peas. Delicious! Then we stopped by the mall near the HP Pavilion since Anne wanted to do some Christmas shopping. The last thing we had to do before going to the game is Christmas in the Park. It is a San Jose tradition right in the middle of downtown at Ceasar Chavez Park. Various schools and organization have Christmas trees they decorate on display at Christmas in the Park alongside some Christmas dioramas and displays. It is pretty cool to walk around and look at the various displays.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
I'm Alive
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Once my cousin collected her bag we went out to find our ride. Pastor Acosta was nice and very patiently waiting near the information desk. Stepping outside in the warm weather of Thailand was a surprise, of course wearing a dark black jacket didn’t help reduce the heat. But I found it was surprisingly not humid like in the Philippines. The traffic can be compared though the fact that over here they drive on the ‘wrong’ side of the street was enough to make me grab the seat and hold on tight. I found that the cars tended to obey the lanes and was nothing like the traffic in Manila. The place where we are staying is the Bangkok Christian Guest House, which is located near one of the main roads in the business section of Bangkok.
There are plenty of shops around and we found several malls connected together via overhead walk ways. Plenty of street vendors provided many opportunities to see things you don’t normally see i.e. uncooked meat out in the open, sticks of fish balls and little noodle shops on the side walk. Speaking of which there much of a side walk isn’t to begin with so walking is very much a people touching sport.
We ate dinner at a nice restaurant that the guy at the front desk recommended. Looking at the pictures you can only imagine the delicious taste of the food. Yummy!! It wasn’t too spicy since it is our first night here and we do want to enjoy being able to tastes the food for the next few days. Overall after a day spent waiting it was nice to finally settle in our new home away from home.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Off Exploring
Please feel free to leave messages or comments! It would be wonderful to hear from y'all. So I will post updates when I get back at the end of this month!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Tonight there was an earthquake here in the Bay area. Fortunately growing up in Earthquake land AKA California, I'm used to it that I really didn't notice it. After a day of classes and doing "group activities", my co-workers decided not to join me for a small field trip across the Bay. I wanted to check out Fremont Police Department's Comm. Center and one of the guys in my group at class was a Sergeant for that department. His wife was a Supervisor at the Comm. Center and I got to visit. Their facility is very nice, looked like a mall inside. But the Comm. Center was much nicer than ours, my co-workers were right in warning me that I would be jealous. And I was! They have new equipment, a really nice room but I also realized and appreciated the things we have in our Comm. Center. I decided to go back to my hotel by 8pm and talked one of my coworker to joining me for dinner. He decided to just drink and I needed food so we went to the Japanese Restaurant on sight. Just as he ordered the SAKE it was when the quake hit. I thought it was just the movement of the water affecting your senses but the waiter told us it was an earthquake. Boy I didn't even think twice about it! I was so hungry and focusing on the food. LOL But I am okay and Lord willing it will not happen again tonight.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Business Trip
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Culture Shock
Now from reading the travel books there are basically two things a person will decided after spending time in Bangkok. You will either love it or hate it, and my Culture Shock book gives the same resounding thought. I am only half way through reading the book but so far it has provided me with some enlightenment on the culture and how things are the way they are. I only wish I could've found the Culture Shock book for China and that they made one for Cambodia. Right now my only perspective on Cambodia is that they have a bloody history. As for Hong Kong my thoughts are that it seems like a Westernized Asian country, trying to blend two very different things together and turn it into something harmonious and beautiful. So right now my only background information is for Bangkok. The other two places I will visit (especially Cambodia)will just have to surprise me. But then again that is one of the great things about traveling, the unexpected experiences.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Bangkok Plans
My co-worker also recommended the Q-Bar and Pawandang (sp?) as great places to eat. Then there is the Grand Palace, the Golden Mount, Laying Buddah, Chinatown, MBK shopping center, Jim Thompson's house that are a must see. So if you have any other suggestions on where to go and what to see in Bangkok I would greatly appreciate it!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Vanna White
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Another hat
Right now however, I feel like I am just the "Vanna White" in this team and my co-worker is Pat Sayjack. He does the speaking and interacting while I just point and smile. LOL My co-worker definitely put in more time and effort into this, he is more of a teacher than me. I admire that in him but at the same time I feel like I am not doing much. Tomorrow is the first day and so we shall see how it goes. We have 3x more the people in this class than in the previous class, so more personalities are brought in. The interaction will be interesting to see. I think I might just have to wear my sassy red shoes tomorrow. After all I'm going from being a graveyard person to a morning person, which is enough of a change to shake me up. So who knows what my comfort level will be in the morning? I'll let you know how the day goes.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I'm here
Myspace Hello Comments & Graphics
I am still alive continuing on my 12 day work week. The Pastor whose house my cousin and I will be staying in Bangkok is visiting us this week, so I'm getting plenty of information on Bangkok. So far I am looking forward to the food, the various palaces and the fact that they have 3 Build-A-Bear stores in Bangkok. Sebstien (my ever faithful companion) will definitely be sporting an Asian outfit when he comes back. One of the books I read about on solo traveling suggested that you bring one totally impractical item from home to help ease the homesickness, for me it is my bear. It may seem a tad silly at times for a grown woman to be carrying a teddy bear, but Sebastien is my comfort and he gives really good hugs. I've also discovered that no matter how brown and Asian I may look, as soon as I open my mouth my accent will give me away as being American. Now the practical solution to blending in would be for me to just not open my mouth, but we all now how futile that will be. LOL So instead I have a Phrase book on Thai and Cantonese (when I get to Hong Kong that is their main language) that I am studying and trying to memorize some Key Phrases. Things like "hello", "good-bye", "please", "thank you", "what is that?", "where is the bank" and of course the most important phase to learn in any language "where is the toilet".
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Church anniversary
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Just Jane
I just finished reading this book, Just Jane:A novel of Jane Austen's Life by Nancy Moser. Now I've read books on people writing about what happened to the main character or secondary character in Jane Austen's books. For the most part they are ok and a decent reading but the writing style is still different and the characters don't seem like they are in the original book that Jane wrote. But this book Just Jane focuses on the author herself and is like an autobiography in fictional form. The book starts when Jane is around 20 or so and doesn't really mention her childhood unless it is a memory. I won't spoil it for you but I must say that the author does use letter written by Jane Austen and spins a good story about how Jane truly became a writer. She doesn't just portray Jane as a "perfect" character but shows her flaws like all human beings. You can read about how selfish Jane was at times and how her relationship with her sister-in-laws and parents. But at the same time the author does a good job of portraying the passion Jane has for writing and how the characters in her stories grow in her mind.
It was an excellent book and I highly recommend it. It is a nice night time, right before bed and relaxing reading.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Reporting in
Why I'm still single:
“They keep saying the right person will come along, I think mine got hit by a truck.”
“I think men are afraid to be with a successful woman, because we are terribly strong, know what we want and we are not fragile enough.” ~ Shirley Bassey
Why family is so important:
“The family is the corner stone of our society. More than any other force it shapes the attitude, the hopes, the ambitions, and the values of the child. And when the family collapses it is the children that are usually damaged. When it happens on a massive scale the community itself is crippled. So, unless we work to strengthen the family, to create conditions under which most parents will stay together, all the rest — schools, playgrounds, and public assistance, and private concern — will never be enough.”-Lyndon Baines Johnson
“To maintain a joyful family requires much from both the parents and the children. Each member of the family has to become, in a special way, the servant of others.” -Pope John Paul II
The importance of friendship:
"Every person is a new door to a different world."
- from movie "Six Degrees of Seperation"
"No love, no friendship, can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever."
- Francois Mocuriac
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Working out

Then I go online to where I sign in and it uploads the data, compares it to what I input for my meals (I have do that manually entering every item I eat) then comes out with the balance of how many calories I burned versus how many calories I intake each day. The key is to make sure your out take is more than your intake. Now I haven't measured my weight since I started the program last week, but I have been meeting with my trainer 2x a week and I can feel my pants are a little looser. And man it is so hard to cheat on this program! Which is what I need, someone to make sure I stick to the program.
When I'm huffing and puffing during a workout with my trainer or on my own I found certain Bible verses come to mind. Philippines 3:14 and 2 Corinthians 12:9 are the two most common verses that keep repeating through my mind. Also that famous saying of Dr. Panosian "this too shall pass" comes to mind. Originally the plan was to surprise my brother since he keeps teasing me about how I'm too lazy to get up and move, but then I realized that isn't enough motivation. You can only do so much to please someone! So I've had to re-group and re-focus myself on why exactly am I allowing someone to torture me like the Isralites in Egypt at the time of Moses. =) And I realized I want to be in good shape due to the congenital heart problems that run through my family history and to relieve my stress since it all seems to accumulate on my shoulders. Now the focus isn't on my brother but it is on me. And there are times when a person has to be selfish and take care of themselves before taking care of others. Otherwise you will find yourself pulled in many directions and be so exhausted and running on empty. That is when you know you have hit rock bottom and must go crawling back to the foot of the Almighty and ask Him for grace to be filled in your cup until it is overflowing.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
So here are some pictures giving you a blast from the past. Enjoy!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Travel agents
Now I have used various methods of booking a trip before but I must say that my travel agent has been the best way to book at trip. I'm sure you have heard plenty of myths about booking and doing it yourself to save money. But my thing is . . .why bother with the hassle if you have someone else that can take care of it. Now the key in booking with a travel agent is finding a good agent. One of the best ways to do that is my word of mouth, this is how I found my travel agent. A co-worker recommended this travel agency and Linda is who I ended up working with, that was over three years ago and now for my major trips I use her. The thing is you need to find someone you are comfortable with, who listens to what you want and need and who works with you. It is just like choosing a hairdresser, you don't just pay them for their service they become one of your friends. I do research on my trips and then pass the information along to Linda, she does research on her end with the resources she has and I end up making the final decision based on a wide array of information. Look into that is the company my travel agent works with and see if there is an office nearby. Go in meet with the agents and talk to them, get a feel for them and then use them as a resource. IF you lived in Sacrament I would highly recommend my travel agent, Linda. :-)
As of now she helped me book my next trip in November. I used Linda to book both of my trips to Hawaii, my trip to Paris and now South-east Asia.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Joey was still himself and marriage life didn't change him too much. His wife is so perfect for him and they balance each other out, she loves to laugh. Joey was telling stories about the guys side and all throughout dinner we were laughing. Darla was the same as ever, so sweet and with a big heart. She loves her kids, her ministry in West Greenville, and is kept busy with all her various activities. Beth was still full of energy and married life has been good for her. She has a good head on her shoulder. It was also great to see Laura again. I was pleasantly surprised that she is now a dorm supervisor but then she has the patience and heart for all those girls. And then there is J.God. . .whom I've managed to keep in touch with since graduation through e-mails, AIM and leaving plenty of voicemail on his cell phone so that he will eventually answer. Darla and I got to see him in his environment at Clemson. Well I hope you enjoy the pictures.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
BJU pictures
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Eleanor's Wedding
Eleanor's wedding can be summed up in one word: simple. There was hardly any decorations and we were there for only 50 minutes. (Of course we didn't see them cut the cake or throw the bouquet!) But it was short and simple, Eleanor's grandfather married them. Their wedding day was also the same day as Eleanor's grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. So the grandpa was pretty emotional. There were only 4 bridesmaids and then the bride walked down the aisle. A nice sweet message about the meaning of marriage, ring exchange, signing of the wedding license and then the kiss. Boom! They were hitched. Short and sweet.
For dinner we met up with God, who is still the same crazy person. I forgot how tall he was but he wouldn't let me forget it. I took him and Darla out for dinner to celebrate his 30th birthday at Outback steakhouse. Then I went with Darla to her church and met all the wonderful people she has been telling me about. I also got to see her classroom. After church we wandered around downtown and ended up at Marble Slab. I had parked the car down by the Reedy river area and it was at least a 5 block walk up to Marble Slab. But as Darla pointed out, we walked off the calories we just ate from the ice cream going back to our car. All in all a nice pleasant day.
Back in Greenville
I must say my first impression of coming back was being hit in the face with the thick humidity and then I thought “the airport hasn’t changed”. In
Darla looked the same and her family was as gracious as ever. We met with Mr. and Mrs. Roue and Galen for dinner at Olive Garden and did the “Italian thing” where we sat around the table and talked over a delicious meal. I had forgotten that here in the South you had an option of sitting in the smoking or non-smoking area. Another reason why living in
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Family Game Night
Have you seen those commerical encouraging people to have a family game night? Or spend more time talking over dinner at the table? Well tonight we had our family game night. My dad doesn't play games, it is just not his "thing". But he does sit with us while we play and talk. I challenged my mom and my brother to scrabble. My mom is very good at this game, when I was little I used to think she memorized the dictionary since she knew all these words that would earn her a triple word score. The last time we played scrabble my brother beat me and my mom didn't play since she was helping us both. Trying to be neutral. But tonight . . .I finally beat my mother in scrabble!
It is a nice feeling of accomplishment that covers this, even if it is just a game. But this will be the last family game night with my brother fora while. He is leaving for college next week and won't be home until Christmas break. So this is another nice memory for him and for us too.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
The Importance of Toliets in trip planning
My experience with bathrooms in Asia is very limited to what the Philippines had to offer. It ranged from the hotels which had a western style bathroom with the ability to flush your toilet paper down to an outhouse with a hole in the middle and a place to put your legs but no toilet paper (so you have to be creative and find a new use for the tree leaf or whatever you have on you!). But I googled 'toliets around the world' and found this great website:
I suggest you check it out! =)
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
My Travels
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
The Wedding at Waikiki
The wedding was today. It was a quick 30 minute ceremony which to me seems short but it seems to be the average in
The food at the reception was delicious! They had a buffet which included a salad, several different cheeses, mahi-mahi with this banana sauce, chicken with macademia nuts and a roast. Yum! The grooms cake was in the shape of a basketball and had chocolate covered strawberries painted with the LA Lakers logo. There was also a picture board that showed the groom through the years. I remember that picture of him in a little sailor outfit when he was about a year old and then right at the other corner was a picture of him in his Navy sailor suit. J We teased my aunt about that! There was a father daughter dance and then bride’s parents danced but that was all. My cousin,
Pearl Harbor
My mom wanted to go visit the International Market and get some souvenirs before dinner. I wanted to go find where “Duke’s” Restaurant is so we split up. Dukes is located right at the beach! And that was when Jeriah and I first stepped onto
We stayed at the Sheraton Princess Kiualani. I had requested a deluxe ocean view room and I must say that our view was spectacular! We had a view of the ocean and the beach was just across the street from us. The room was spacious but it was on the top floor of the old wing. We met up with the rest of the family in front of the King Kamehameha statue right across from the Ioalani Palace.
What people say about
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Hook, line and sinker
Then we took the highway into Central Oahu and found the Dole plantation. They have a maze there where you could get lost, but the view from the top of this hedged maze shows a pineapple design in the middle. There is also a train that goes around the plantation and explains how a pineapple is born. We didn't do either activity, instead we just entered the shop. Bathrooms are located in the large store and you found all sorts of pineapple related items for sale. I saw pineapple flavored tea, dried fruits, pineapple candies with chocolate, the usual t-shirts, magnets, and key chains. They even had shirts for stuffed animals, of course I had to get Sebastien a shirt! =) Now while my brother and I were browsing we passed by this jewelry display they had in the children's section. Before I knew it I was baited, hooked and about ready to be fried. The sales lady was very shrewd and read people well because she sure read me! One minute I'm walking around the store and the next I'm pulling out a piece of paper from this lotto ball mixer thing that read "40% off a pearl from an oyster" and pulling out an oyster from a container which had a pearl in it. As soon as the sales lady started pulling out jewelry settings to put that pearl it, I knew I was baited. I felt like it is only in Hawaii that I buy real jewelry for myself and it is never done purposely. Oh well, I had intended to buy a right hand ring for myself this trip, just not there at the Dole plantation! Well, now I can relate a little bit to that fish who was just swimming along happily minding its own business when a twitch from the side view caused it to jump right on the hook and be fried.
After that whole discomfiture at the Dole plant, I thought the rest of the day should go smoothly as planned. I was going to pick up Juvy, drop my parents off for lunch with their friends, hang out with Juvy and then pick up my parents, drop off Juvy and go back to the hotel where my scheduled massage at the spa would finish off the day. Boy was I in for some more unexpected events. First I got lost going to Juvy's house, went on the wrong highway and completely missed her exit so I had to call her up and get the directions again. This happened twice! What should have taken me only 10 minutes to get to Juvy's place from the Plantation ended up being about 40 minutes instead. (Those of you who know me and have ridden with me, I can see your eyes rolling now! =) But eventually we ended up making our way to Juvy's house and picking her up. Then when we got to the Mall where my parents were meeting their friends, we got invited to join them. So we ended up eating at this buffet place where there was plenty of good food, including a crepe making station and a chocolate fountain [sorry no picture of the chocolate fountain] The meal was good by buffet standards but the conversation was fun. Juvy and I reminisced about our college days and gave my brother some advice on how to survive his freshman year in college.
After lunch Juvy took us to get some real Hawaiian Shaved Ice. Where better place to get it than Matsumoto's of course! I had seen this place raved about on Travel Channel and read about it in my "Oahu Revealed" guide book. The book mentioned that this place is so good, they have lines forming out the door and down the road. Fortunately when we got there the line was only out the door.
I got their Rainbow combination with beans at the bottom instead of ice cream. Yummy! The ice didn't melt so fast and the flavor stuck around so you weren't just sipping the stuff from your cup, you could actually scoop the ice out.
Juvy had to go to work so we dropped her home and headed back to our hotel. We had a picnic lunch consisting of sandwiches and pie from Ted's bakery. Then I headed to my spa appointment, where my muscles were pulled, pushed,
and pinched until they relaxed. It was a nice ending to the day.