Then I go online to www.myapex.com where I sign in and it uploads the data, compares it to what I input for my meals (I have do that manually entering every item I eat) then comes out with the balance of how many calories I burned versus how many calories I intake each day. The key is to make sure your out take is more than your intake. Now I haven't measured my weight since I started the program last week, but I have been meeting with my trainer 2x a week and I can feel my pants are a little looser. And man it is so hard to cheat on this program! Which is what I need, someone to make sure I stick to the program.
When I'm huffing and puffing during a workout with my trainer or on my own I found certain Bible verses come to mind. Philippines 3:14 and 2 Corinthians 12:9 are the two most common verses that keep repeating through my mind. Also that famous saying of Dr. Panosian "this too shall pass" comes to mind. Originally the plan was to surprise my brother since he keeps teasing me about how I'm too lazy to get up and move, but then I realized that isn't enough motivation. You can only do so much to please someone! So I've had to re-group and re-focus myself on why exactly am I allowing someone to torture me like the Isralites in Egypt at the time of Moses. =) And I realized I want to be in good shape due to the congenital heart problems that run through my family history and to relieve my stress since it all seems to accumulate on my shoulders. Now the focus isn't on my brother but it is on me. And there are times when a person has to be selfish and take care of themselves before taking care of others. Otherwise you will find yourself pulled in many directions and be so exhausted and running on empty. That is when you know you have hit rock bottom and must go crawling back to the foot of the Almighty and ask Him for grace to be filled in your cup until it is overflowing.
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