I was cleaning out some stuff under my bed and found a photo album with some pictures from my Freshman year. This picture was when our prayer group decided to help our PC (prayer captain) celebrate her 21st birthday. Of course we had to stick to the school rules and no real alcohol was used but the bottles of ABC rootbeer did look real enough. I remember Vera timed it so that we got the stuff out before the bell rang for study time and Kristalyn just shook her head at us and tried to reprimand us but couldn't really keep a straight face.
Then there was two of my unforgetable roommates that year:

Here is a picture of Ratchet in some domestic duties. She totally amazed me that she could sew a button on! =) Of course she wasn't too happy with me taking the picture but I was camera crazy. There were all those people telling me before I left home that I should relish and savor the college years since you never get them back. And what better way to capture those memories for a lifetime than putting them on film?

And then there was Vera who was the opposite of Ratchet. Here she is showing us some Russian jig of some kind. I remember our Prayer Group that year was rather diverse, we had Vera from Russian, Ruth from Africa, Tali from Latin America, Joanna from Hawaii and me from the Philippines not to mention your diverse Americans: Courtney from Texas, Sarah from Pennsylvania, Ratchet & Allison from the Peninsula of Delaware and Maryland, Krystalin from Greenville and Joy from New England.
Of course we couldn't resist playing a trick on our APC, Vera. One day when she went to take a

shower we took all her towels and bathrobe and hid them in our room. She had to use the shower curtain as a cover to run back to the room! (We made sure that it was the day after white glove so that the curtains were clean and useable, otherwise it was a bacterial free for all on that curtain!)
I loved it when Spring came to BJU. That meant that the cherry blossoms would come out and there was plenty of them around the Science Building. This was taken around Easter and the petals fell down like snow. Here Shorty (aka Faith), Ruth and I are posing in front of our dorms.
I enjoyed the college reminiscing! It's so true that you never get that time back. Not that I would go back, but I love the memories! Thanks. BTW, I saw Ruth's myspace and she is expecting! Cynetta
Oh the stories I heard from that year...
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