Thursday, January 3, 2008


I'm sorry for not writing on this for a while. The holidays were crazy for me! I ended up working 11 days straight thanks to the events that preceded Christmas. So instead of spending time with my immediate family, I ended up spending this Holiday season with my second family-my coworkers. For as much time as we spend together it is like your second family. We fuss, argue and protect each other and we definitely spend plenty of time together. I ended up frying lumpia's twice both for the potluck on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. Christmas Eve and Christmas day was pretty quiet. After working I went home and the family opened up gifts. Being an adult isn't as much fun as being a kid on Christmas morning, it does make a difference if there is a small child in the house. But my family is composed of adults and no small children in the house, so Christmas morning was a quiet affair.

The holidays just seem different when you're an adult. It is like the "magic awe" of the season gets lost with the realities you deal with. At least for me it does, but I think part of it is due to my job. I get to deal with "real life" every time I go to work and during the holidays it is worse. This is the time when the suicide rates and family fightings increase. So trying to find the "Christmas spirit" is rather difficult at times. But that is not to say that I did not have a good Christmas or New Year's, because I did. It was just very quiet, I didn't get to hear from some of my non-work friends. But then everyone just seems so busy these days, that lack of time is often the excuse (and a very valid one at that!) that is given for the oversight of contacting far away friends. That is one of the reasons why I still keep up the tradition of writing Christmas cards and sending them through the US Postal services. To me it brings back a bit of the nostalgia of days gone by when people wrote letters to each other. Though the ease of writing off a quick text message or e-mail is nice, but it lacks that personal touch. Okay, now I'm just going off on a tangent so I shall stop.

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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