Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A busy month

I'm sorry I haven't updated this blog in awhile but February was a busy month unexpectedly. It started off with a visit to the dentist after I thought I chipped a tooth. What it turned out to be was part of my root canal, the tip, falling off due to poor workmanship. So I had to go back for a root canal and crown. Not a fun two weeks I tell you!

Single Awareness Day (aka Valentine's Day) was uneventful as it was the week after that I looked forward to the most. That was the week I would meet the Sharks and go behind the scenes. My favorite hockey team and me getting to meet some of them! I was so excited!!

Marcel Goc Doug Wilson & Ricci JR's uniform

I also finally finished my Spain scrapbook, one of the thickest one's I have now. But taht is due to so many pictures I took! Oh well, maybe March will be a little bit less frantic. We shall see!