Friday, April 27, 2007

I love my job

Reasons why I enjoy my work:
  1. People call me for help and I get to help them
  2. I help the peace officers with their work
  3. Doing 2-3 things at once isn't considered crazy, its expected!
  4. My co-workers are entertaining
  5. You can take over a month off for annual vacation and your annual vacation is twice a year so if you take six weeks off at a time you only have to work 9 months out of the year!
  6. You know more about the "real" local news than the Media
  7. I get paid time and a half to come in for overtime and watch a hockey game as long as the phones get answered in a timely manner
I think the last point is more of a bonus but it reminded me so much of why I love my work!

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