Tuesday, April 15, 2008

National Dispatcher Week

This week is National Dispatcher Week. A time to recognize a profession that is often unheard of, under appreciated and underpaid. Those men and women who work behind the scenes supporting Emergency Personnel like firefighters, paramedics and police officers. So for all those hard working people who rarely get thanked (and believe me I know cause I'm one of them!) I say "Thank you. Thank you for being a phone call away, for working hours that no one may one, for putting up with the yelling, shouting, cussing, bad mouthing of your department and the craziness people toss at you. Thank you for keeping calm and helping out even when the caller is unappreciative of your answer. THANK YOU!"

1 comment:

Blakemore Family said...

Yes, I say "thank you" to the dispatcher who is BLOGGING AT WORK!!!!! ;-) No really, I;m glad you do what you do- I know it often goes unnoticed, and we all are glad you are there when we need you!