Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Next trip

I booked my ticket for my next Big trip. . .SPAIN! I still work with my travel agent, Linda and she is wonderful. My ticket cost about the same as the one in Paris two years ago, which is under $1000. So I was pleased to get that one big thing off my list. Even though the trip won't be until November, knowing that I have a plane ticket will be the carrot driving me to go forward. There is so much going on in my life right now!

A good friend I fear is heading down a path that would lead to heartbreak or at the very least some emotional wounds. And being the friend that I am, I want to prevent the hurt and yet still do what is right. Then there is the whole house hunting thing. As the big 3-0 looms closer I have to step up and be an adult. It's just that I never thought I would be getting a house before getting married. You know that status quo time line which is unwritten but out there. First comes love and marriage then come the mortgage and baby carriage! In my case the mortgage appears closer to reality than marriage and baby carriage. For those who've gone through the whole process of being a first time home buyer/owner you know the stress that goes with the process. Fortunately I have a wonderful support network composed of my parents, brother and more than one close friend! The Lord has been so good in providing people along the way that help explain things to me.

Which goes to show you just how important that plane ticket is to me. It is my life line to a promise of travel ahead. Now I have to find a hotel in Barcelona and Valencia. Barcelona because I've always wanted to go there. The city seems so vibrant and alive, there is so much to do there from following Gaudi's footsteps to hitting the tapas scene. Valencia is where Europe's largest aquarium is and ever since I saw the documentary on the Travel Channel, I've wanted to go there. The best part is that I learned Valencia is where the famous Spanish dish, paella, was created based on the tourist website for the city anyways. :-)

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