Sunday, July 20, 2008


There have been different studies on the affect of working the graveyard shift and people's health. Because people who work on this shift go against the natural order of things and their circadian clock is tossed out of whack it may seem at times that they get the short end of the stick. People who work graveyard are more likely to get some form of cancer, they are under more stress both mentally and emotionally, they have a higher tendency to get dependent on some form of stimulant pill, etc. as plenty of studies show. But in some fields it is necessary to have the graveyard shift and there is no way to go round about it, especially in the law enforcement field.

I have spent the past 4 1/2 years on graveyards and let me tell you I love it. Yeah the hours are not that great if you want to have some form of social life, especially if you work the weekends (which I did!). Originally the main reason why I went to graveyards was because it was the first permanent spot that opened and I wanted a more "stable" schedule. Also the people at my job who worked graveyards were more laid back and younger. So that made it very appealing! I found that the people on graveyards at work tend to be more of a family than the other three shifts. We fight and fuss with each other but when the other shifts start "attacking" us, all of us would defend one another and protect our shift. Working in the Law Enforcement community you find yourself already part of a big family as soon as you sign those papers, but there are different sectors in that community. Being a Dispatcher and that field is quiet narrow and small, it takes a special person to be a Dispatcher and not just anyone can do the job, it is a tough job and the training is hard but this is another topic to be covered another day. So to be a Dispatcher and work the graveyard shift, you are in a different league from the others. Quirky people work graveyards and at times those quirks can get to you. But once you understand each other and learn how to tolerate one another, it does not bother you as much.

I know I'm rambling but the bottom line is this : I miss graveyards already! Last night was my last night on graveyards until I finalized training. I knew that getting this promotion meant that changes would be happening in my life but still it is hard to say goodbye to something you have been used to for 4.5 years. Most of my friends from the Field are on graveyards, I know their little quirks and their voices. Now I'm going to be on swing-shift for a month and though this is good for my training (it is the busier shift) it means I have to get used to a new set of people, habits, etc. Still I must remind myself that this is all for the greater good and I'm hoping and praying that as soon as I finalized I can return back to graveyards. =)

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