Thursday, March 19, 2009


Okay so one of my closest friend and I have been talking about getting Lasik done these past few months. She did the research, being a nurse and all, while I just followed. A nice change of pace since on the trips we take, I do the research and she just follows along. But she found this doctor who's had a great reputation for successful surgeries and he's done a few people in the Department. So three weeks ago we both went in together to get our eyes evaluated and see if we are a candidate for surgery. The process wasn't too bad, it was just like going to vist your optometrist.

My friend did her surgery last week and I met up with her on Monday. She could see clearly and was able to drive herself to the post-op visit the day after surger. It was amazing and she loved it! So today it was my turn to go. Let me just say that reading the consent form will scare you a lot and then your imagination starts goin off in that "worst case scenario" way. Not a good thing! They offer you some Valium before surgery, which I was told I should take. That totally helped mellow me out and by the time I was going in the surgery room I was really feeling relaxed. The nurse kinda smiled as she said "so you took the Valium? your eyes are glazed over". But hey that made the post op nap really nice and long. The actual surgery was really quick about two minutes long!

When I woke up I could see the TV from where I was sleeping on the couch, the clock on the wall and then looking out the window I can see the trees clearly. It was such an odd feeling to see things without glasses. But I must say the dryness is starting to bother me and I've been using the artificial tears like crazy to sooth my eyes.

Was it worth it? YES! Absolutley! The amout of money you save through the year from not buying contacts, solutions, new glasses and increase in eye prescripting is a big plus.

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