Friday, March 21, 2008

Still single but sassy

This past weekend I got two birth announcement from friends out of state. I am very happy for them! Both friends have new baby boys in their household and are very excited. But at the same time of my joy for my friends a hint of melancholy hits me. It is another stark reminder of how very much I am still a single person. My married friends who are around my age are starting their families and yet I am still without that milestone marker. A few single friends have tossed around the idea of adoption and being a single parent if our "Mr. Right" does not come alone for us in the next few years. I've even gone as far as toss out the idea of in vitro fertilization, but that was quickly dispelled by all my counselors. Adoption isn't bad but then you are missing the whole principle of Ecclesiastes 4:8-12. So what's a girl to do?

Now those of you who know me, know that I have already made peace about the whole "gift of singleness". But this doesn't mean that I won't need the Dove bars and rocky road ice cream when I get a wedding invitation or a new baby announcement in the mail or e-mail. =) Feelings of longing for a husband and children cannot just be shut off like a light switch. (There are times when I wished they were!) There are things I can do. Just because I am not married doesn't mean that I will spend the rest of my life waiting to buy a house, a new car or travel around the world until someone comes along that I can share all those experiences with. I'm not a full fledged romantic here, frankly I prefer to say that I am a realist (Dictionary definition: a person who accepts the world as it literally is and deals with it accordingly). So if my "Mr. Right" doesn't ever come and I am left traveling this life alone, that doesn't deter me from enjoying this life. I already am enjoying life! My passport is a testament to the places I have been. You won't catch this gal staying down and moping for long periods of time! I'm going to move on and live life to the fullest. But there will always be room in the fridge for chocolate and ice cream! ;-)

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