Friday, March 14, 2008

Strangers may be angels unaware

The other day I had a little adventure. I was on my way back from a meeting up north and driving on the freeway when I heard an odd noise coming from the back of my car. It sounded like "thuwp-thuwp-thuwp" and so thinking it may be a flat tire I quickly pulled off the nearest exit from the freeway. Sure enough I had a flat tire on my rear left side of the car. Now there is a reason why I have triple A insurance because of incidents just like this. I was a little panicked since I had to meet with my trainer in less than an hour and it would take exactly one hour before the tow could get to me. So the first thing I did was call home and beg my dad to come fix my flat tire. (I know, I know by now I should have learned how to change a tire and I do. But here's the thing, little me on the side of a road in a not so great neighborhood. I'm calling someone else to fix it!) Of course my dad told me to call the 1-800 line for triple A but just as I was going to get off the phone this lady knocks on my passenger side window. She was one of those backpacker/disheveled looking people you see holding a sign on the side of the roadway. I was very wary but she seemed nice and offered to change my tires for me. Of course she wasn't much taller than me but she definitely was built on the more muscular sense. Her husband came over and helped her, I told her I only had $20 cash to pay her. Which was true I only brought that much with me to go to lunch but my friend paid for lunch so I didn't have to use my money. I opened the trunk and showed her where the spare tire and jack were. Her husband checked to make sure there was enough air in the spare, which was a good thing since there wasn't and he had to go across the street to the gas station to fill it up with air. The lady then showed me how to change a flat tire all the while my right had was hovering above my cell phone ready to call 9-1-1 at a moments notice. (Yes, I was still wary and a little scared about this whole thing. Praying my heart out while the lady was chatting.) In ten minutes she had changed my tire, put the ruined one back in the trunk and her husband said a prayer after I gave them $21 (I found an extra $1 bill in my jeans pocket). They thanked me and told me I was an angel, when I was just thinking how they were the ones who were heaven sent!

So that was my adventure for the week! I still made it to my gym session on time and my dad was like 2 miles away by the time I was back on the road. So I followed my dad home, since I caught up with him two stops away from where I was stuck on the side of the road.