Thursday, June 4, 2009

Puppy Love

It is rather amusing to watch my brother these days. He is definitely in "puppy love" which is defined in the dictionary as 'the temporary infatuation of a boy or girl for another person'. Watching this first hand brings back memories of high school and my friends when they began their interest in the opposite sex. The long talks at night where you say absolutely nothing and everything, the notes at school (or these days it's text messages), the smiles between you and that significant other, inside jokes that only you two understand because it happened during one of those late night talks and of course the sappiness in those letters/e-mail/text messages and notes. It's very cute to watch this since he's never been in "love" before. The innocence of it all is endearing and reminds you that not everyone is as jaded as you are!

Do you remember your first crush? Have you seen what they look like now? Do you go back and look at it with a little laughter thinking how naive you were back then or do you still pine for that person? Time is supposed to heal all wounds but sometimes we like to pick at the scab so it won't heal right and it still stings. =) What time of memories do you have?

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