Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The Importance of Toliets in trip planning

I've been thinking and planning about my up coming trip to Southeast Asia this Winter. One of the things I learned from my trip in Paris was that where you went depended on the availability of a toilet nearby! At first I began planning my day by what I wanted to see but at the end of the first day that idea was crossed off. It was all on where the nearest bathroom was and if it was clean. Afterall you don't want to get stuck in some strange scary neighborhood needing to use the facilities and yet all you have is a few shady bars. The look of the place will deterimine the sanitariness of its bathroom. Museums and office buildings will most likely have nice clean bathrooms, while you take a risk at the public bathrooms in park areas. I did find that the bathrooms in the Jardin Tuillieries were some of the cleaneset I've been too.

My experience with bathrooms in Asia is very limited to what the Philippines had to offer. It ranged from the hotels which had a western style bathroom with the ability to flush your toilet paper down to an outhouse with a hole in the middle and a place to put your legs but no toilet paper (so you have to be creative and find a new use for the tree leaf or whatever you have on you!). But I googled 'toliets around the world' and found this great website:

I suggest you check it out! =)

1 comment:

Blakemore Family said...

Hey, they even have one bathroom in antarctica... amd it is free. Might be worth stopping in!!!