Wednesday, June 13, 2007


My birthday is tomorrow and I thought about what had happened to me in one year. I know that reflections usually happen on the eve of a new year but I'm feeling sentimental at the moment. So here is my list:

  1. Solo trip to Paris where I discovered many things including God's presence back in my life, that I am a strong woman inside (which is what I always envisioned myself to be but it was confirmed during this trip), I enjoy my own company and can travel by myself.
  2. I became a trainer at work.
  3. Went on a road trip with two different friends to Southern California.
  4. Visited Hearst Castle for the first time ever, even though I've lived in California for over 15 years.
  5. Returned to California Adventures with my little brother and my friend, Allison where I still love the ride 'Soaring over California'.
  6. Got to see "Bob" again after 5 years.
  7. Met two men with the same name who surprised me in many ways and stirred my soul
  8. Went on a weekend visit to Charleston, SC where I saw the Citadel and bought my life changing red shoes.
  9. Managed to keep a friendship intact even though work situations changed and a psycho girlfriend was invovled on his end (fortunately she is gone!)
  10. Went on my first date.
  11. Met a new friend while travelling
  12. Started a blog.
  13. Became the owner of a PDA (which has changed my life!)
  14. Learned abotu ABL (Adult Based Learning)

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